One thing I wish I knew as a beginner lash tech


What is lash porosity?

Lash porosity describes the hairs ability to absorb & retain moisture. This can make a huge impact on how your adhesive bonds if you don’t know how to deal with it! 

There are 3 types of lashes, low porosity, mid porosity & high porosity. Clients that have mid - high porosity lashes will barely ever have retention problems as their lashes are able to easily absorb & retain moisture. Clients with low porosity on the other hand will cause the glue to incorrectly bond to the lash resulting in major fallout during or soon after the appointment.

How do I know when a client has low porosity lashes?

- their retention is very poor

- Their lashes start to fall out within a few days of their appointment 

- When you brush their lashes during their set they easily slide off

What do I do when a client has low porosity lashes?

Start all of your applications with a lash cleanse, most of the time this is enough to help open the pores for the glue to be able to correctly bond.

In occasional clients you will also need to use a pH balancer which will allow the clients pores to open in their lashes so that they are able to easily absorb the adhesive during the appointment.


Tips to speed up your lash sets